Staff unwell with coronavirus


Several staff members (doctors, nurses and other staff) have had to self isolate as they are unwell. We are open as usual , but running with significantly fewer staff. Please bear this in mind when contacting us. Econsult will not be available over weekends and bank holidays.
Coronavirus vaccines, including booster doses and age 12+. are available on bookable and walk in basis over Christmas period. Further info and times here

What will change on 19th July?

COVID-19, Online services

We have been seeing patients face to face where needed throughout the pandemic. This is a through a “digital first” service. Please consult with us online (via our website or econsult )or by phone if you cannot. Phone lines are busy, so we prefer to reserve these for urgent problems , elderly and vulnerable patients. The best way of booking ahead with a doctor who knows you is to submit an econsult. Please indicate on your econsult whether you prefer consultation by phone, by video, in person, or a particular action such as a referral. Please also indicate if this is a follow up enquiry, and to which GP or other member of staff you wish to direct your question. Covid case rates remain high in London; we are continuing to wear masks and follow infection control measures ourselves, and ask that you wear a mask or face covering when in the practice, unless you are exempt.