Protect yourself from Measles and Flu

Important!, Medical

Protect yourself and your family/ community

You will be aware of a rise in measles cases in recent weeks/ months,  including in London and Birmingham.  Hospitals are seeing more admissions.  Measles can be a serious illness.  We have vaccine in stock,  and can check your records to see if you are up to date.  Normally the MMR is given at age 1,  with second at age 3 .  We are offering catch up for anyone who hasn't had 2 jabs,  at any age.  Speak to reception or to nursing team.

We also still have flu vaccines for this winter in stock.  There are still those winter illnesses circulating.  Keep well

Improving William Place


We are very excited !

William Place, immediately outside the practice,  is soon to be improved.  Your previous feedback commented on obstacles,  problems with disabled access,  uneven paving, parked vehicles.    If sufficient funds can be raised,  seating and planters can be provided.  Disabled parking is available ; other parking restrictions will be enforced. Fundraising has been enabled by "we are possible".  Find out more here

The lift at the front of the building is also being restored.  Thank you,  LBTH !

Online Record Access for patients

Important!, Medical

We have for some years offered online access to records via the NHS App / NHS login. We hope that this enhances your care.  From June 1st 2024 more will be visible to you on your NHS App,  if you have already activated this. We have made exceptions to this roll-out where there might be a risk of harm.  Beware that there may be medical terminology or abbreviations which do not make sense.  We are obliged to redact any consultations with references to third parties . It is on offer to patients age 16 and over. Read on to find out more. For under 11s, it is possible for parents or guardians to get “proxy access” . Between age 11 and 16 it is more complicated, and an ethical approach is needed. We need to respect the confidentiality of the young person, whilst often they would wish their parents/ guardians to be involved in their care.  Any questions,  please ask reception/ admin staff.  

Change to pharmacy requests

Important!, Patient information

For many years, pharmacies have been able to request prescriptions from practices. We want to improve safety and reduce wastage in this process.   Local practices in Bow (Bow Health Network) and local pharmacies have agreed a  new standard approach

What can my pharmacy request for me?

  • Repeat medication
  • Repeat dispensing medication (batches of repeat medication)
  • Dosette medication

What can’t my pharmacy request for me?

The following items need to be requested directly by yourself

  • Any acute medication (intended to be one-off, eg course of antibiotics)
  • Past medication (not listed as current)
  • Any medication we haven’t prescribed for you before
  • Variable use medication, such as creams, ointments
  • Painkillers – opiates including tramadol, co-codamol, codeine, dihydrocodeine, morphine/oxycodone
  • Hypnotics (sleeping tablets) – including benzodiazepines and melatonin
  • Salbutamol inhalers – it is important for your safety we keep track of your reliever inhaler use​. Your preventer inhaler can be requested by the pharmacy.
  • Rescue packs – antibiotics and prednisolone for COPD exacerbations – this is to help us keep track of usage to ensure your safety.​
  • Laxatives 

What if, by mistake, my pharmacy asks for medication in these categories?

The practice will inform the pharmacy and the patient, that the request needs to come from the patient.  With time, the pharmacy should be able to recognise these items and let you know to ask us for them directly. The pharmacy or reception should also be able to help you with NHS app requests

Making online consultation easier. 23rd July 2022

Medicine, Patient information

Though many have been satisfied with “econsultation”, we have had feedback from some that the number of questions is laborious. We have changed to a new service, accurx. Although there are fewer questions, please do give us as much information as possible so we can prioritise and direct to the right person to help. Not everything needs a doctor’s appointment. About a third of our enquiries are related to certificates, letters, results, medication. If it is an admin query such as these, please make this clear. We also want to avoid duplication, so if you have written in, please allow us to respond before telephoning. We hope you will be happy with the new service

We are continuing to experiencing very high volumes of enquiries (from patients online, in person, by phone, as well as 111, other medical services and allied professions). Sorry we cannot resolve all queries within 48h. We are often working late into the evening and at weekends. As well as consultations, we are dealing with hospital letters, results, and chronic disease management. You will get a text reminder 24h before your appointment or time your online enquiry will be reviewed.

We have good availability for nurse appointments for smears, blood pressure, contraception and specific long term conditions. We also have HCA appointments for blood tests (though this is likely to require prior discussion with other clinician). We have pharmacists who can discuss your medication queries. We have a pod in the waiting room where you can check your blood pressure or weight. You can book these options through reception.

Update 9.4.22

Medicine, Patient information

Dear registered patients: due to very high volumes of enquiries, we cannot resolve all within 48h, but we will endeavour to notify you of plan (eg follow up with the doctor you were previously dealing with). We had 1973 econsults submitted in March, and over a 5 week period approximately 4200 econsult reviews/ phone consultations/ patients seen in person. This has meant we are often working late into the evening and at weekends. As well as consultations, we are dealing with hospital letters, results, and chronic disease management. You will get a text reminder 24h before your appointment or time your econsult will be reviewed.

We have good availability for nurse appointments for smears, blood pressure, contraception and specific long term conditions. We also have HCA appointments for blood tests (though this is likely to require prior discussion with other clinician). We have pharmacists who can discuss your medication queries. We have a pod in the waiting room where you can check your blood pressure or weight. You can book these options through reception.

Staff unwell with coronavirus


Several staff members (doctors, nurses and other staff) have had to self isolate as they are unwell. We are open as usual , but running with significantly fewer staff. Please bear this in mind when contacting us. Econsult will not be available over weekends and bank holidays.
Coronavirus vaccines, including booster doses and age 12+. are available on bookable and walk in basis over Christmas period. Further info and times here

What will change on 19th July?

COVID-19, Online services

We have been seeing patients face to face where needed throughout the pandemic. This is a through a “digital first” service. Please consult with us online (via our website or econsult )or by phone if you cannot. Phone lines are busy, so we prefer to reserve these for urgent problems , elderly and vulnerable patients. The best way of booking ahead with a doctor who knows you is to submit an econsult. Please indicate on your econsult whether you prefer consultation by phone, by video, in person, or a particular action such as a referral. Please also indicate if this is a follow up enquiry, and to which GP or other member of staff you wish to direct your question. Covid case rates remain high in London; we are continuing to wear masks and follow infection control measures ourselves, and ask that you wear a mask or face covering when in the practice, unless you are exempt.