Phone NHS 111 Service on 111 or visit
Advice on: Baby and child care, Family diet and excise, Childhood immunisation, Baby checks and hearing tests.
Who to see:
Health Visitors
Baby Clinic
Who to see:
Ambrose King Centre
020 7377 7307
Thursday: 9am-11.15am- Baby drop-in clinic Health Visitor available for advice on feeding, sleep or any other problems. (Immunisations and post-natal check-ups by pre-booked appointment only).
Please do not bring ill children or children with a rash to the baby clinic.
Antenatal Clinic - Mondays: 9am-9.45am. Doctor pre-booked appointments. 9.30am-11.50. Midwife pre-booked A/N appointments. 1.30pm-3.30pm. Midwife pre-booked Booking Appointments.
Tuesdays: 9.30am-11.50. Midwife pre-booked A/N appointments. 1.30pm-3.30pm. Midwife pre-booked Booking Appointments.
We offer full community and shared antenatal care, in conjunction with the community midwives and hospital consultants from the Royal London Hospital.
Who to see:
Healthcare Assistant
You may book blood tests with the Healthcare assistants at the surgery, Monday to Friday, (mornings only).
Who to see:
Every three years if aged between 25 & 49. Every five years if aged between 50 & 64.
Who to see:
Family planning and morning after pill
Who to see:
Nurse or family planning clinic
Pharmacist or Doctor
The doctors and nurses provide contraceptive advice. This includes the pill, injections, the cap or diaphragm and natural methods. Coils (IUCD) and implants can be fitted here or local family planning clinics. We also offer sexual health services including screening for sexual infection.
Emergency contraception available from:
This surgery
Family Planning Clinics (e.g. Wellington Way 020 8980 3510)
Options Drop-in Clinics for young people (Tel 020 8981 2316, TEXT 07813 698029)
Local Pharmacies
THEDOC – (when the surgery is closed). 020 7377 7151
Removal of Stitches and Incontinence
Who to see:
District Nurse
Advice before you get pregnant
Who to see:
Nurse or Health Visitor
Healthy Lifestyle Advice
Find your ideal weight
Who to see:
Healthcare Assistants
Child Health Clinic / Community Well Baby Clinic
at your local Children Centre:
Olga Childrens Centre, Lanfranc Road, London E3 5DN
For children aged 0-5 years
EVERY Wednesday 9.30am - 11am
An opportunity for parents/carers to weigh their baby/child and access advice and support.
Please note, this service is aimed at providing general parenting advice and support and does not replace medical diagnosis.
Health Visiting and Children Centre connecting together with families for healthy communities.
PLEASE bring your child’s Personal Child Healthcare Record (Red Book)
The doctors do home visits after morning surgery. Please ring 020 8980 1760 before 10.00am
Who to see:
Drug & Alcohol Treatment Services in Tower Hamlets - Raising awareness of the FREE drug and alcohol treatment services that are available in the Borough.
This weblink contains all drug & alcohol service information for Tower Hamlets.
How do you measure up?
A unique way of thinking about your alcohol or drug use. To find out, visit or
You DO NOT need a referral from your GP in order to use this service. Use the weblink to find out more information about services available to you.
For prescriptions and self treatment
ABC Pharmacy
520 Roman Road, London, E3 5ES
Tel: 020 8980 1473
Bell Pharmacy
534 Roman Road, Bow, London, E3 5ES
Tel: 020 89808853
559 Roman Road, Bow, London, E3 5EL
Tel: 020 8980 5743
Parnell Chemist
625 Roman Road, Bow, London, E3 2RN
Tel: 020 89803376
Who to see:
Antenatal Clinic
Our nurses can offer advice about smoking, alcohol, weight control, healthy living and exercise. They can also deal with women’s health issues, contraception, chronic diseases and travel advice and vaccinations. They undertake dressings, ear syringing, cervical smears and injections.
Abortion advice available
Who to see:
Family planning clinic
By appointment via GP or self-referral
Please make your request in writing preferably using your computer printout and allow 2 working days before collecting the prescription. If you are unable to attend, you can fax or send a request with a stamped addressed envelope and we will forward the prescription in the post. We do not take requests by phone for safety reasons. Occasionally the doctor may ask you to make an appointment before your prescription is given, as anyone on long term medication should have this reviewed at regular intervals.
Who to see:
Sapna Carrasco
Geraldine Taylor
Please call to make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your results. Reception staff do not give test results to patients over the phone.
Who to see:
f you have an urgent medical problem and you cannot wait for an emergency appointment for the next working day phone the surgery on 020 8980 1760 before 11am. The receptionist will take your contact number and information about why you are calling. This will be passed to the on-call doctor who will ring you back.
NE Locality Hub:
St Andrews Health Centre, 2 Hannaford Walk, London, E3 3FF
NW Locality Hub:
Blithehale Medical Centre, 22 Dunbridge St, London E2 6JA
SW Locality Hub:
E1 Health Centre, 14 Deancross St, London, E1 2QA
SE Locality Hub:
Barkantine Practice, 121 Westferry Rd, Isle of Dogs, London E14 8JE